I am an Assistant Project Scientist and a Lecturer at University of California, Riverside.
Before that, I was a postdoctoral scholar at UC Riverside, working with Prof. Fred Hamann. Before that, I was an interim postdoctoral scholar at University of California, Santa Cruz, working with Prof. Piero Madau and Prof. Alexie Leauthaud.
I obtained my Doctor of Philosophy in Astronomy from UC Santa Cruz in 2017. My thesis advisor is Prof. J. Xavier Prochaska.
I obtained my Master of Science in Astronomy from UC Santa Cruz in 2015. I obtained my Bachelor of Science in Physics from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2012.
My email addresses are wingyeel at ucr dot edu and lwymarie at gmail.
My mailing address is 900 University Ave, Physics & Astronomy, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521.
My office is in Pierce Hall, Room 2206.
My curriculum vitae is available here.
A list of my publications is available here.
On the right you can find a business photo, a selfie with the Keck II telescope's primary mirror, and a photo of myself outside the Lick Observatory Shane telescope dome.
This information may be useful for your searches and citations. My first name is "Marie Wingyee" and my last name is "Lau." I gave myself this name in Grade 7, with reason you can infer from my thesis' epigraph: To the brilliant scientist and human, whom I name myself after, who had said, "Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood. Now it's the time to understand more, so that we may fear less."
This homepage is last updated on March 6, 2025.
Extremely Red Quasars (ERQ)
Dust obscured quasars are believed to be in a young stage of quasar/galaxy evolution, where quasar feedback can be more important for driving blowouts and disrupting star formation in their host galaxies. A remarkable population of luminous, extremely red quasars (ERQs), at redshifts 2 to 4, have been discovered in the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey matched to Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer data. ERQs are defined by extremely red colors across rest-frame UV to mid-IR. They have a suite of extreme spectral properties that may all be related to exceptionally powerful quasar-driven outflows.
I am a major contributor to the study of ERQs, together with Prof. Fred Hamann (University of California, Riverside), Dr. Jarred Gillette (Eureka Scientific), Dr. Serena Perrotta (University of California, San Diego), Prof. David Rupke (Rhodes College), Dr. Dominika Wylezalek (University of Heidelberg), Prof. Nadia L. Zakamska (Johns Hopkins University), Dr. Audrey Vayner (Johns Hopkins University), and many others. We are exploring them in multi-wavelength imaging and spectroscopic techniques, to study their multi-phase gas and dust environment properties and illumination patterns.
The figure below is adopted from Hamann et al. (2017). It shows median spectral energy distributions of different quasar populations selected using different color and brightness criteria. ERQs have a distinct spectral energy distribution. Unlike some other red quasar populations or Type II active galactic nuclei which are steep in the rest UV, ERQs are flat in the rest UV despite being extremely red from rest UV to mid-IR.
[OIII] 5007 Emissions in Extremely Red Quasars Are Compact
"Extremely red quasars" (ERQs) are a non-radio-selected, intrinsically luminous population of quasars at cosmic noon selected by their extremely red color from rest-frame UV to mid-IR. ERQs are uniquely associated with exceptionally broad and blueshifted [OIII] 5007 emission reaching speeds >6000 km/s. We obtained adaptive optics integral-field spectroscopic observations using Keck/OSIRIS and Gemini/NIFS of a sample of 10 ERQs with bolometric luminosities (1047.0-1047.9) erg/s at z ∼ (2.3-3.0). The goal is to measure the sizes and spatially-resolved kinematics of the [OIII]-emitting regions. We study the surface brightness maps and aperture-extracted spectra and model the point-spread functions. We identify signs of merger activities in the continuum emissions. We identify physically distinct [OIII] kinematic components that are bimodal and respectively trace ERQ-driven outflows of velocity dispersion ≳250 km/s and dynamically quiescent interstellar media. We find that the ERQ-driven ionized outflows are typically at ∼1 kpc scales whereas the quiescent ionized gas extend to a few kpc. Compared to normal quasars the extremely fast ERQ-driven [OIII] outflows tend to be more compact, supporting the notion that ERQs are in a young stage of quasar/galaxy evolution and represent systems with unique physical conditions beyond orientation differences with normal quasar populations. The kinematically quiescent [OIII] emissions in ERQs tend to be spatially-resolved but less extended than in normal quasars, which can be explained by global and patchy dust obscuration. The hint of ionization cones suggests some of the obscuration can be partially explained by a patchy torus. The figure on the left below shows spectra extracted from nuclear and annular apertures of the reddest ERQ, and the best fits. We overplot the individual continuum, Hβ, broad and narrow [OIII] components. The figure on the right below shows the residual surface brightness map of this reddest ERQ after subtracting the point spread function. The residuals are dominated by the narrow [OIII] component.
This work is published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 532, Issue 2, pp. 2044 (2024).
Probing the Inner Circumgalactic Medium and Quasar Illumination around the Reddest Extremely Red Quasar
We present Keck/KCWI observations of the reddest known ERQ, at z = 2.3183, with extremely fast [OIII] 5007 outflow at ~6000 km/s. The Lyα halo spans ∼100 kpc. The halo is kinematically quiet, with velocity dispersion ∼300 km/s and no broadening above the dark matter circular velocity down to the spatial resolution ~6 kpc from the quasar. We detect spatially-resolved HeII 1640 and CIV 1549 emissions with kinematics similar to the Lyα halo and a narrow component in the [OIII] 5007. Quasar reddening acts as a coronagraph allowing views of the innermost halo. A narrow Lyα spike in the quasar spectrum is inner halo emission, confirming the broad CIV 1549 in the unresolved quasar is blueshifted by 2240 km/s relative to the halo frame. We propose the inner halo is dominated by moderate-speed outflow driven in the past and the outer halo dominated by inflow. The high central concentration of the surface brightness and the circularly symmetric morphology of the inner halo are consistent with the ERQ being in earlier evolutionary stage than blue quasars. The HeII 1640/Lyα ratio of the inner halo and the asymmetry level of the overall halo are dissimilar to Type II quasars, suggesting unique physical conditions for this ERQ that are beyond orientation differences from other quasar populations. We find no evidence of mechanical quasar feedback in the Lyα-emitting halo.
The figures below show an optimally extracted image of the Lyα halo surrounding the reddest ERQ, a velocity centroid map of the Lyα flux, and a velocity dispersion map of the Lyα flux. In each figure a model of the quasar's point spread function has been subtracted. The plus symbol marks the position of the quasar.
The work is published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 515, Issue 2, pp. 1624 (2022).
For the full sample of Keck/KCWI observations of ERQs, please refer to the Teaching and Mentoring tab of my homepage.
Probing Feeding and Feedback in the Circumgalactic Medium of Quasars Using Associated Absorbers (Hubble Space Telescope Cycle 29 ID 16622; Cycle 25 ID 15034)
Observations have shown a high incidence of highly ionized absorbers within several thousand km/s of the emission redshift of quasars, which are termed narrow associated absorption line systems. On the other hand, Quasars Probing Quasars observations of gas surrounding quasar-host galaxies in comparison to narrow associated absorbers on circumgalactic scales have found anisotropic ionizing radiation, which may translate to anisotropy in quasar feedback. While z >~ 2 narrow associated absorbers have been extensively surveyed in optical datasets, analyses at z <~ 1.5 have been limited to small samples with underutilized observational constraints.
We are conducting an exhaustive, archival search of HI, CIV, NV, OVI narrow absorbers at velocity separation > -10000 km/s from the systemic redshift in z <~ 1.5 quasars. Our goal is to examine their physical conditions and statistical properties, using a sample of unprecedented size. We will assess their kinematics, chemical abundances, ionization states, and distances to the quasar hosts. We will assess correlation patterns among properties of associated absorbers and quasar luminosity. We will compare the line-of-sight circumgalactic medium to Quasars Probing Quasars results to assess quasar feedback. In contrast to the high-z universe, quasars at z <~ 1.5 have more precisely measured systemic redshifts, which will enable us to search for signs of coherent outflows and infalling gas, and separately analyze inflows for the first time. Moreover, the lower intergalactic opacity will allow much higher sensitivity to the far and extreme UV diagnostics.
We will release a database of UV spectra cross-matched with optical spectra of the same quasars, with improved continuum fits and identifications of associated absorption lines. It will be distributed as part of igmspec.
The figure on the right shows the experimental setup. The sightline to a quasar probes gas intrinsic to the quasar, as well as gas on galactic and circumgalactic scales.
My co-Investigators are Prof. Fred Hamann (University of California, Riverside), Prof. Joseph F. Hennawi (University of California, Santa Barbara), Prof. Piero Madau (University of California, Santa Cruz), Prof. J. Xavier Prochaska (University of California, Santa Cruz), Prof. Todd Tripp (University of Massachusetts - Amherst), Prof. Nicolas Tejos (Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaiso), and Dr. Serena Perrotta (University of California, San Diego).
The Quasars Probing Quasars Survey
I am a major contributor to the Quasars Probing Quasars (QPQ) survey, together with Prof. J. Xavier Prochaska (University of California, Santa Cruz), Prof. Joseph F. Hennawi (University of California, Santa Barbara), and Prof. Robert Simcoe (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Instructions for downloading the public database are available here. QPQ is designed to examine gas related processes in the context of massive galaxy formation, as well as quasar feedback. The QPQ survey selects closely projected pairs from Sloan Digital Sky Survey and other surveys. The catalog comprises 4000 projected pairs to within 5' separation.
The figure on the right shows the experimental design of QPQ. Our line of sight to the background quasar is transverse to the foreground quasar, and intercepts its gaseous halo. Gas clumps transverse to the foreground quasar are less illuminated by its ionizing radiation than those along the line of sight.
The figure below shows an example background-foreground quasar pair. In the background quasar spectrum we see strong Lyα and metal ion absorption coincident with the foreground quasar's redshift.
We find a high incidence of HI and CIV absorption in excess to intergalactic medium average, out to 1 Mpc transverse distance from the foreground quasars. We find the velocity widths measured in absorption exceed previous measurements of any galaxy populations.
I also contribute to Python codes for quasar pair spectral analysis.
Quasars Probing Quasars: The Physical Properties of the Cool Circumgalactic Medium Surrounding z ~ 2-3 Massive Galaxies Hosting Quasars
We characterize the physical properties of the cool T ≈ 104 K circumgalactic medium surrounding z ~ 2-3 quasar host galaxies, which are predicted to evolve into present day massive ellipticals. We use a statistical sample of 14 quasar pairs with projected separation < 300 kpc and spectra of high dispersion and high signal-to-noise ratio. We find extreme kinematics with low metal ion absorption line widths typically spanning 500 km/s, exceeding any previously studied galactic population. The circumgalactic medium is significantly enriched, even beyond the virial radius, with a median metallicity [M/H] = -0.6. The α/Fe abundance ratio is enhanced, suggesting that halo gas is primarily enriched by core-collapse supernovae. The projected cool gas mass within the virial radius is estimated to be 1.9×1011 M⊙ (R⊥/160 kpc)2, accounting for 1/3 of the baryonic budget of the galaxy halo. The ionization state of circumgalactic gas increases with projected distance from the foreground quasars, contrary to expectation if the quasar dominates the ionizing radiation flux. However, we also found peculiarities not exhibited in the circumgalactic medium of other galaxy populations. In one absorption system, we may be detecting unresolved fluorescent Lyα emission. Such anomaly suggest that transverse sightlines are—at least in some cases—possibly illuminated. We also discovered a peculiar case where detection of the CII* fine-structure line implies an electron density >100 cm-3 and sub-parsec-scale gas clumps.
The figure below shows the cumulative mass profiles of total H and metals in the cool circumgalactic medium. We constructed them using the median NH and the median [M/H] within 200 kpc.
The work is published in The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, Volume 226, Issue 2, article id. 25 (2016).
Quasars Probing Quasars: The Kinematics of the Circumgalactic Medium Surrounding z ~ 2 Quasars
We examine the kinematics of the gas in the environments of galaxies hosting quasars at z ∼ 2. We employ 148 projected quasar pairs to study the circumgalactic gas of the foreground quasars in absorption. The sample selects foreground quasars with precise redshift measurements, using emission-lines with precision <= 300 km/s and average offsets from the systemic redshift <= |300 km/s|. We stack the background quasar spectra at the foreground quasar's systemic redshift to study the mean absorption in CII, CIV, and MgII. We find that the mean absorptions exhibit large velocity widths σv ≈ 300 km/s. Further, we find that the mean absorptions appear to be asymmetric about the systemic redshifts. The mean absorption centroids exhibit small redshift relative to the systemic δv = +200 km/s, with large intrinsic scatter in the centroid velocities of the individual absorption systems. We find the observed widths are consistent with gas in gravitational motion and Hubble flow. However, while the observation of large widths alone does not require galactic-scale outflows, the observed offsets suggest that the gas is on average outflowing from the galaxy. The observed offsets also suggest that the ionizing radiation from the foreground quasars is anisotropic and/or intermittent.
The figure below shows the mean absorption centered at CII 1334, CIV 1548, and MgII 2796 of the foreground quasars. Gaussian fits are overplotted. For the doublets, a second Gaussian with a fixed mean separation and a tied standard deviation is included in the fits. The blue dashed lines mark the absorption centroids while the gray dashed lines mark the systemic velocities.
The work is published in The Astrophysical Journal. Volume 857, Issue 2, article id. 126 (2018).
Other than quasars, I am interested in the following astronomy research.
Surface Abundance Variations of Red Giants in Globular Clusters
The formation and evolution of galaxies can be probed via two techniques. First is through lookback studies, where one observes statistically the progenitors of present-day galaxies at high redshifts. Second is through studying present-day properties of galaxies, including their stellar populations, to learn about their past evolution. For high-redshift gas around galaxies, kinematics is easily measured, however chemical abundances require ionization modeling. For redshift-zero resolved stars, although they have lost the kinematic information at the time they formed, chemical abundances can be easily measured. The two techniques are thus complementary. Milky Way globular clusters have metallicities lower than high-redshift quasar systems, hence the stellar archeology approach using them pushes even further back in cosmic time. Although globular clusters are often used as fossil records, one must note they are not chemically homogeneous.
In this project we study red giant stars in 27 Milky Way globular clusters. We test against the hypothesis that the surface abundance variations entirely come from pre-enriched gas, as opposed to evolutionary effects of the observed stars themselves. We find that, other than the prototype Messier 13 (Johnson & Pilachowski 2012), NGC 6388 also shows significant anti-correlation between the [O/Fe] ratio and stellar luminosity. Eight globular clusters show significant anticorrelation between [Na/Fe] ratio and stellar luminosity. Since the stars formed at about the same age, a dependence on luminosity translates to a dependence on stellar evolutionary stage. Bimodality possibly exists in [Na/Fe] distribution of several globular clusters. We have further observed oxygen-poor red giant stars in Messier 13 with Shane/Kast for the CN absorption band, to investigate CN correlation patterns with Na and O.
The figure below shows surface [O/Fe] and [Na/Fe] ratios for red giants in NGC 104. [Na/Fe] shows a positive dependence on stellar luminosity.
I work with Prof. Graeme Smith (University of California, Santa Cruz) for this project. Please ask me for a report written by my interns on the archival data. Analysis of the new Shane/Kast data is ongoing.
Hydrodynamic Simulations of Quenching of Central versus Satellite Galaxies at z ~ 0.1
With Prof. Peng Oh (University of California, Santa Barbara) and Prof. Kristian Finlator (New Mexico State University), we use hydrodynamic simulations to test whether the properties of satellite galaxies are sensitive to models for quenching star formation in central galaxies. We evaluate the success of a simple halo quenching model in reproducing the observed dependence of quenched fractions of central and satellite galaxies on stellar mass and halo mass, as well as the observed stellar content in halos of different masses.
The figure below shows the fraction of galaxies that are satellites as a function of stellar mass. The solid blue curve is computed from an SDSS-GALEX matched sample at z ~ 0.1 obtained from Kimm et al. (2009). The dashed blue curve is the satllite fractions computed from our simulation outputs without halo quenching. The solid cyan curve is from the simulation outputs with halo quenching.
Please ask me for a write-up of this work.
Observation, Data Reduction, and Data Management
I have been a service observer and data reductionist for a wide range of research topics. Topics include dusty absorbers toward quasars, active galactic nuclei reverberation mapping campaigns, spectroscopic redshifts of elliptical galaxies, and many others. I have observing experience in optical and near IR wavelengths, in long-slit spectroscopy, integral-field spectroscopy, imaging, and adaptive optics-assisted imaging and spectroscopy. I also manage databases of large sets of UV, optical, and near IR spectra of quasars and the softwares for accessing them. The above efforts are reflected in my co-authored publications and github contributions.
Graduate Level and Above
I worked with Dr. Jarred Gillette in his doctoral thesis at University of California Riverside, whose next stop is postdoc at Eureka Scientific. We study a population of dusty quasars named extremely red quasars (ERQs). We obtain hyperspectral imaging of the fluorescently illuminated "Lyman-α" gas haloes around ERQs using the Keck Observatory 10-m Keck II telescope. Compared to normal quasars, we find that the Lyman-α haloes around ERQs are generally spatially compact and kinematically quiecsent. Below is a figure comparing the Lyman-α halo luminosities and quasar bolometric luminosities of ERQs with the normal quasars from several literature works. We further find that the ERQ broad emission line properties are substantially offset from normal blue quasars in parameter spaces.
Our works are published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 526, Issue 2, pp. 2578 and Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 527, Issue 1, pp. 950.
If you want to hear me talking, here is a video tutorial about quasar absorption line fitting. I gave it at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics program of Fundamentals of Gaseous Halos.
Undergraduate Level
I lecture an introductory physics course series for life science majors at University of California, Riverside. The topics include fluid, thermodynamics, electricity & magnetism, oscillations, waves, optics, and modern physics. Each class size is 200 to 250. I use interactive classroom, hybrid classroom, asynchronous teaching, artificial intelligence-assisted grading, and learning management system technologies. Below is a photo of the class in Winter 2023.
I led the undergraduate senior thesis of Mr. Greg Sallaberry at University of California, Santa Cruz, whose next stop was master studies at Leiden University. The work is partially sponsored by the STEM diversity program LAMAT, meaning star in Mayan. We work together on acquiring spectroscopic redshifts for massive elliptical galaxies using the Lick Observatory 3-m Shane telescope. We then measure the fractions of galaxies that are satellites at the highest stellar masses. Below is a photo of Mr. Sallaberry presenting his excellent poster.
I assisted eight different undergraduate astronomy and physics classes at University of California, Santa Cruz. Some classes were for Physics majors and some were for non-majors, and the class size ranged from 40 to 300. My philosophy is that teaching needs to be personalized for each student's needs and foster holistic growth. I emphatically introduce non-Western contributions in the history of science to students. I particularly taught a class for introductory research experience for first-year and transfer students targeting underrepresented minorities. I helped organize their research project groups and cooperative homework labs. Below is a photo of the final poster fair.
Pre-college Level
I assisted the California State Summer School for Mathematics and Science (COSMOS) of University of California Santa Cruz, over two summers. I led high school students on pre-scripted astronomy projects. The projects included eclipsing binaries, galactic rotation and redshift, color-magnitude diagram, color-color diagrams, and the mass-metallicity relation of galaxies. We also observed beautiful astronomical objects with the Lick Observatory 1-m Nickel telescope. Below is a card designed by my students.
I led high school interns under the Science Internship Program (SIP) of University of California Santa Cruz, over two summers. We carried out a research project on the surface compositions of red giant stars in globular clusters. I advised them through the Siemens Competition in Math, Science & Technology and presenting at the annual American Astronomical Society conference. Below is a photo of my interns presenting the project at University of California Santa Cruz.
I am first-generation high school, college, and PhD graduate. I have given private tutorials to other low-income children in Hong Kong. I taught Mathematics and English (as a second language).
Prior to beginning a career in Astronomy, I participated in short research projects in various physical science disciplines.
I love rabbits, cats, owls, and Cantopop.
I am on the Astronomy outlist.
I am a survivor of child abuse and violence against women. I welcome academics from humble backgrounds to reach out to me for peer support.
I am an immigrant to America. Astronomy Picture of the Day has some images of my hometown: Unsual clouds over Hong Kong, Hong Kong sky, Eclipse city.
I respect the following land acknowledgement statement: We at UCR would like to respectfully acknowledge and recognize our responsibility to the original and current caretakers of this land, water, and air: the Cahuilla [ka-wee-ahh], Tongva [tong-va], Luiseño [loo-say-ngo], and Serrano [se-ran-oh] peoples and all of their ancestors and descendants, past, present, and future. Today this meeting place is home to many Indigenous peoples from all over the world, including UCR faculty, students, and staff, and we are grateful to have the opportunity to live and work on these homelands.